In a tragic incident that has sent shockwaves through Pune, a speeding Porsche driven by a 17-year-old boy collided with a motorcycle, resulting in the deaths of two young software engineers. The accident, which occurred two days ago, has led to the arrest of five individuals, including the minor’s father, Vishal Agarwal, a prominent real estate developer.
The Incident
On a narrow street in Pune’s Kalyani Nagar area, the Porsche, driven by the allegedly inebriated Vedant Agarwal, rammed into a motorcycle. The collision resulted in the immediate deaths of the two software engineers riding the motorcycle. The tragic accident has not only caused an immense loss to the families of the deceased but has also highlighted serious issues regarding underage drinking and reckless driving.
Arrests and Legal Actions
Following the accident, the Pune police arrested five individuals, including Vedant Agarwal’s father, Vishal Agarwal. The other four arrested include proprietors and executives of the two pubs—BLAK (in Marriott Suites) and Cosie—where Vedant was allegedly served liquor.
In an unusual move, the police are not merely charging Vedant with causing death by negligence under Section 304(a) of the Indian Penal Code. Instead, they are invoking Section 304, which deals with culpable homicide not amounting to murder. This charge implies that the teenager had knowledge that his reckless actions—driving a Porsche without a number plate at high speed on a narrow street after consuming alcohol—could likely result in death.
A top official involved in the investigation stated, “We are confident that the forensic report will corroborate our findings, but even if it does not, our focus is on proving culpable homicide not amounting to murder, based on the knowledge of the consequences of his actions.”
Who is Vishal Agarwal and Brahma Corp
Vishal Agarwal is a well-known figure in Pune’s real estate sector. He is the owner of Brahma Corp, a company with a rich history in the construction business. Brahma Corp was founded by Vishal’s great-grandfather, Brahmadatt Agarwal, and has been a significant player in the real estate market since its establishment in 1982. Initially a partnership firm, it was reconstituted as a private limited company in 2012 and became a public limited company in 2013.
The company is involved in the development of commercial and residential projects in and around Pune. It currently has eight ongoing and three upcoming projects, and operates two five-star hotels: Le Meridien in Mahabaleshwar and Grand Sheraton in Pune. Due to its established presence and track record of timely project delivery, Brahma Corp has built a strong brand name in the market.
Other businesses owned by the Agarwal family include Brahma Multispace and Brahma Multicon. According to a report by Aaj Tak, the total net worth of the various companies owned by Vishal Agarwal is around Rs 601 crore.
The Aftermath
In the wake of the accident, the Pune police are constructing a watertight case to ensure justice for the victims. The police have also highlighted that Vedant Agarwal claimed addiction to alcohol in his bail plea, which adds another layer of complexity to the case.
The police are working diligently to have the teenager remanded until their application to try him as an adult is decided. They remain optimistic about their case, focusing on proving the severe consequences of Vedant’s actions.
This tragic incident serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of underage drinking and reckless driving. It has also brought to light the responsibilities of those who serve alcohol to minors and the broader implications of negligent behavior. The ongoing investigation and legal proceedings will hopefully bring justice to the victims and their families, and serve as a deterrent to such reckless actions in the future.